New Apex Legends hero leaked?
The Apex Legend hero pool may be receiving another update in Season Six. In a recent leak videos surfaced of the latest hero, Horizon, being unveiled. With the debut of Rampart at the beginning of August, this will be the second legend to be introduced to Apex Legends this season.
In the aforementioned leak, voiceovers, and in-game icons, all referencing a possible new legend were made public. The leak was thought to have been uncovered by data miners after Apex Legends launched its aftermarket event. At the moment there is debate as to whether this new legend will be featured this season or delayed until Season Seven. Rumors swirled around a new hero named Valk in recent weeks, but this Twitter leak via Biast12 indicates other immediate plans for the battle royale series.
What’s on the Horizon?
This series of leaks started with a few videos that were datamined this week after Apex Legends’ update. The third and final video of the Horizon teasers show an Apex Legends camera being picked up and placed on a tripod. The character can then be seen writing down something with a pen and gesturing to the camera explaining some sort of instructions. Horizon seems to be moving around in a rather animated fashion but unfortunately, the audio is cut. The latest teaser video can be found here, where Horizon can be seen making a clear appearance.
The prominent data miner also uncovered a badge specifically for Horizon. As well as an icon that shows her image when she would be selected as a character. With this information, the founder of this leak confirmed that all signs lead to Horizon being the next official character for the popular game title. The Apex Legends community has long insisted on Valk to be the next released character due to certain leaks that came out several years ago.
However, the only news that came out for Valk all those years back was for designs in the pre-alpha phase. Since then, the landscape for the game and what kind of characters should be included for diversity’s sake has changed immensely. There’s no doubt certain designs for the character model changed with it. The miner also noted that as of right now, there are no ability updates or any concrete videos of her showing powers. It is believed that she will share certain characteristics of Valk given similarities in the concepts of flying and hovering.