Important CS2 Console Commands: Control your Game
CS2 Console Commands are a crucial way to customize your Counter-Strike experience. They allow you to edit many of the parameters in the game, many of which you may not realize you can customize to your own taste. We’re covering many of the best CS2 commands right here, so you know what’s worth changing and what is wroth keeping.

Important CS2 Console Commands
We’re starting out with an extensive CS2 commands list. This will give you a solid rundown of the CS2 console commands you actually need to know. For most players, this won’t include every command in the entire game.
- sv_cheats true/false: Enables cheat-protected CS2 commands in private matches
- bind [action] [key]: Binds a specific action to a key
- sv_infinite_ammo true/false: Gives you infinite ammo
- noclip: Removes all clipping from your character, allows you to fly around
- god: Enables God Mode
- kill: Instantly kills you
- disconnect: Disconnects you from your current game
- quit: Closes CS2
- cl_drawhud true/false: Enables or disables the HUD (great for screenshots)
- cl_show_team_equipment: Shows your team’s equipment
- r_drawtracers_firstperson true/false: Toggles firing tracers
- cl_hide_avatar_images true/false: Toggles player avatars
- give weapon_[weapon name]: Gives you specified CS2 weapon
- sv_rethrow_last_grenade: Replays your last grenade throw (good combined with a bind to test smokes and flashes)
- mp_roundtime [minutes]: Changes the round time to the specified number of minutes in private matches
- mp_buytime [seconds]: Change the amount of time you can buy guns to specified number of seconds in private matches
- mp_buy_anywhere true/false: Toggles the ability to buy guns anywhere on the map
- mp_maxmoney [number]: Sets the maximum money you can have
- mp_startmoney [number]: Sets the starting money you have
- mp_restartgame 1: Restarts the current match
- sensitivity [number]: Changes your mouse sensitivity (can also be done in in-game settings)
- bot_kick: Kicks all bots in the current lobby
- bot_add: Adds a single bot to the current lobby
- bot_place: Places a bot at your position
- bot_stop true: Stops all bots in place
- volume [0-1]: Changes your in-game volume (can also be done in in-game settings)
If you’re just an average joe who loves to play CS2 or one of the best CS2 players, these console commands should be more than enough to see you get by.
CS2 Console Command List for FPS
Like any player, you want the best performance in CS2. You can actually help using some CS2 FPS commands, which we’re going to show you here.
- fps_max 0: Removes the FPS limit – ensure V-Sync is disabled, too.
- cl_disable_ragdolls true: Disables ragdolls to free up some CPU usage.
- cl_autohelp false: Disables automatic tooltips in CS2.
- cl_showfps true: This CS2 FPS command shows your frame rate on screen at all times, allowing you to see what settings are affecting your performance.
This CS2 commands list for performance should hopefully point you in the right direction if you’re looking for better FPS in-game.
Are console commands CS2 cheats?
No. It’s important to distinguish the two, because many CS2 console commands can’t be used in competitive matches. Valve has done a great job of ensuring the competitive integrity of the game remains intact, which would be ruined if players could use console commands like CS2 cheats.