Many consider World of Warcraft raiding to be the pinnacle of the MMO experience: The standard to which all others are held when it comes to the endgame of their MMO. So it stands to reason that the guilds that take part in the WoW competitive raiding scene are perhaps some of the most skilled and dominant gamers on the planet.
If you’re interested in looking into the likes of the Race to World First (RWF), Mythic Dungeon International (MDI), Arena World Championships (AWC), and perhaps taking part in some WoW betting , then take a look at our list of the best guilds in WoW.
List of the Best Guilds in WoW

Below is a list of the best guilds, based on recent performance in the MDI, in Nerub’ar Palace, and other considerations. This list is based on the most recent information at the time of writing. However, the WoW RWF scene is going through tumultuous times, as formerly major players such as BDGG and Skyline have recently announced their disbandment and retirement. As a result, this list could be subject to rapid change.
1. Liquid Guild, US, Illidan
A popular and highly-competitive guild (formerly known as Limit) that has been at the peak of competitive WoW for almost a decade, Liquid Guild are still claiming RWF titles as recently as this year in Nerub’ar Palace, and in 2022 during Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. For Liquid, this was the end of a long drought that had seem many heart-breaking races end under less than favorable conditions.
The guild also maintains its popularity thanks to its fantastic streamers and personalities who are some of the most respected in the WoW scene.
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- Liquid Guild Raider IO
2. Echo, EU, Tarren Mill
With the likes of Liquid Guild as their primary rival, It’s actually incredibly hard to place one of these two guilds ahead of the other. Each RWF race, the pair are neck and neck. But Echo is hot on the heels of Liquid as the best guild after their most recent victory in Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Mythic, and their dominance of the MDI.
Echo has dominated the scene since Sanctum of Domination, after first splitting from Method for Castle Nathria in Shadowlands. If you’re looking for a favorite to win any RWF, pick Echo.
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- Echo Warcraft Log
3. Method, EU, Twisting Nether
Rising from the ashes of controversy to once again compete at the highest levels, Method is a storied guild with a lot of stories to tell. Echo, the current top guild in the world, originally split from method after the discussed controversy, but since then Method has rebuilt to create a highly competitive guild that fits their legacy.
4. Hot Pot Hero, CN
The first guild on the list hailing from Asia, Firepot Hero, roughly translated as Hot Pot Hero, are currently the best team in the region, having secured high positions in the last RWF. While it’s harder to follow guilds from Asia, especially as few of them stream on Twitch, their dedication and speed often means it’s impossible to ignore them.
5. Ji Tian Hong, CN
Another CN guild, formed after the return of many players to CN servers after WoW made its way back to China. Despite being a relatively new guild, Ji Tian Hong is made up of experienced raiders from across the region and as a result, finds itself in the top ten for many races.
6. Instant Dollars, US, Malganis
Instant Dollars a light-hearted guild who get early kills on bosses, but have fallen short of a world-first full clear. The guild prides itself on actually running the mythic raid, while other top guilds will often spend days and days gearing in Heroic and split raids. A great guild to watch if you want to watch world first kills of challenging mythic bosses.
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- Instant Dollars Warcraft Logs
7. FatSharkYes, EU, Kazzak
A storied guild hailing from Sweden, FatSharkYes have found themselves a home on the leaderboards of RWF, performing at the highest level consistently. They often fall short of a world-first, however, still needing that final push to compete. Regardless, this is one of the most competitive guilds out there, and you can expect them to always be on the leaderboards for EU and world-wide kills.
8. Zbox, CN
Zbox has started appearing more and more on the leaderboards, and most recently made top 6 in Nerub’ar Palace earlier in October. One of several guilds formed after the return of WoW to China, the roster of this organization is made up of top raiders from many guilds that previously raided on the Taiwan servers.
9. Melee Mechanics, US, Illidan
A guild that thrives early in races, Melee Mechanics secured the world-first kills on both Ulgrax the Devourer and The Bloodbound Horror during Nerub’Ar Palace. A horde guild with lots of top raiders, Melee Mechanics’s Leadership consists of the Founder/Previous GM of Limit.
10. Mate, KR, Azshara
A Korean guild that upset a lot of other guilds on this list in Amirdrassil, Mate swept in with high-level gear and secured a seventh-place kill on Fyrakk The Blazing. However, the guild will need to prove it has the ability to progress on bosses that haven’t already been killed, as the guild barely made the leaderboard for any of the raid’s previous bosses.
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